Saturday, April 2, 2011

Look Up

I cant even comprehend what's going on right now. The musical is going horribly wrong..... and its next week! The lead almost got cut from the show and no one is taking it seriously. It almost makes me feel like i should just quit. But i wont, I wouldn't do that to people who really want to make it good (which im trying my hardest, but so far its not working). I just need to hope and pray that all goes well...

Next I have the opportunity to go New York this summer for a theater/leadership workshop for 10 days. It's really expensive but my aunt is going to pay for it herself because she's a "follow your dream" kind of person and I love that about her. Unfortunately, my dad so far isnt letting me go for (what seems like) no legitimate reason. And its my DREAM to be in New York and be on Broadway. I've always been told to follow your dream but there never seemed to be a way on going about that. So I came to terms with it and decided that i will be a teacher for the rest of my life. But now, the opportunity to take the first step, in which i never thought would come, presents itself, and its going to yanked out from under my feet so then i can fall on my face. It will hurt, but i'll have to get over it. God does it for a reason. That reason hasn't presented itself yet, but there is one. However, hope isnt totally lost, he hasn't 100% made up his mind yet.

What ever happens, happens, and I'll have to come to terms with that eventually. I just hope inside that some things in life will start looking up.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey what a coincidence. I LIVE in NYC.

    ...Jealous? :D
